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We are selling ad space on our most heavily visited "Top Gambling Sites" page.  This is a prime location for getting some high quality exposure for your gambling related site.  We know from our experience that our visitors comprise of many serious Internet gamblers.  By advertising with us, you will therefore get brand recognition for your site, as well as direct access to many potential gambling customers. 

The number of visits to our top sites page is currently around 10,000/month.  Our site is relatively new, and we expect this number to continue climbing in the future.  Ad prices will therefore be readjusted monthly.  Sign up today to secure these prices before they go up!

We charge different rates depending on the location of your ad.  Current prices are listed below.  Most are one-month deals.

Top Spot - Your banner (full size - usually 468 x 60 pixels) will appear right next to our logo.  You couldn't ask for a better location on the page.  Flat monthly rate: $500 (US).

Casino of the Week/Month - This spot can be purchased weekly for $150, or monthly for $500 (US).  Put your full size banner at this very noticeable spot!

Box Size Ads (about 120 x 120 pixels) - These appear right under the heading, "Our Staff Recommends:"  They are currently going for $350 a month. 

Spot between rankings 5 and 6 - $250/month for a full size banner.

Spot between rankings 10 and 11 - $250/month for a full size banner.

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Usually, your ad will appear 1-3 days after you place an order.   We prefer that you pay by credit card, although we are certainly open to other means of payment if that is more convenient for you.  To order by credit card, please use the following forms:



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